Treatments. Prevention. Education
Blog by Sofie Ringsten
Keep your joints healthy & pain free with one powerful acupressure point
In summary acupuncture point GB34 can be used to treat any pain, stiffness, cramping or muscle spasm or contraction anywhere in the body, from over use or an external trauma. It can be used to treat whiplash Syndrome or sports injuries, and as prevention to keep the qi flowing freely in the body.
Sports injury & recovery from a Chinese medicine perspective.
Injuries do happen, which as athletes we know too well. It's the risk we take to be able to do what we love. And when it does, we need to make sure that these inner movements of Qi, blood and fluids keep moving, even though we might be immobilized on some body parts. Because movement is life, circulation, and function. And what's my number one recommendation to stop messing-up one's flow? Stop with the ice.
Chinese medicine for sports performance.
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