akuYin® for summer workshop
Did you miss the summer workshop? Or were you there, but fully engaged in the practice and forgot to take notes?
Obviously I can’t share everything we did during his three hour long workshop. But these are the yin asanas we did, and the acupressure points we worked with…
Supta baddha konasana (yin ish-pose, more of a relaxing pose to start with)
Childs pose with pressure on Yintang acu point between eyebrows
Caterpillar to open up the spine mainly around T5, heart area
Sleeping swan, to nourish Liver and Gallbladder in their heart support
Broken wing one arm at a time to nourish Small intestine meridian
Open wing one arm at a time to nourish Heart meridian
Bananasana to open up around the rib cage and armpits
Sphinx or Saddle as a balancing back bend
Twisted roots to open up around the thoracic spine and nourish the heart meridian
PC 6, pericardium
SJ 5, San Jiao
Ren 17
HT 7, heart
Look up the points here.
Our main focus on this workshop was to calm the Shen. This equals to calm the mind, since Shen = the spirit = the mind.
The main emotion of the heart is joy. When that emotion becomes too much, it goes into excitement. This makes the spirit/Shen to rise up, and leave to body. And this slows down the heart qi. With daily meditation we need to bring our mind back into our heart/body, to ground our mind and calm our spirit.
To learn and understand this concept, please join a workshop, or the yin yoga and the five elements education.